
This inspirational and motivational, one-hour audio book examines the methods for gaining wealth in all aspects of one’s life. It covers how to shape one’s thoughts and emotions in order to thrive in the area of wealth as well as in all other aspects of life.

This audio book is offered by the author as a free gift to all who choose to receive it with absolutely no strings attached and nothing to buy. The author chooses to remain anonymous because the message in this audio-book is for you and about how special your life is and how much benefit you can cause for yourself and others in this life. The author does not need or want to acquire more wealth or attention for himself as a result of sharing this life changing message.

Please feel free to GIFT IT FORWARD by e-mailing the link to this website to others or by putting a link on your social media sites. You could also print small cards that include “GIFT IT FORWARD along with tfppw.com” that you can leave for others to discover.

To download this audio file:
Using Chrome or Firefox, right click on top of the audio player and select “Save Audio As…”
Using Internet Explorer, right click this link and select “Save target as…”